Thursday, October 27th at 6pm
at Sabine’s house
Topic: We’re going with a rendition of Jared’s topic. He wrote in April, "when do we make and when can we break promises we make to ourselves? Are we even the same people in the future?” Looking back at this made me think of the Aug. 26th This American Life episode - Me Minus Me: “When a fundamental part of yourself changes dramatically, are you still who you thought you were?” It’s a compelling episode. Also, the New Yorker just had a neat, related article, "Are You the Same Person You Used to Be?”
Listen to This American Life’s Aug. 26th episode here or wherever you access podcasts: https://www.thisamericanlife.org/778/me-minus-me
The New Yorker article is here: https://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2022/10/10/are-you-the-same-person-you-used-to-be-life-is-hard-the-origins-of-you?
Please prep for the topic ahead of time by listening to & reading the above so we can all reference some of the same material outside of our own thoughts and opinions. Thoughts, opinions, feelings, experiences, confirmation biases also welcome, of course, for what would we be without those things.

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