Saturday, May 13, 2023

Banter 71: Are white lies good or bad?

Upcoming topic:
Are white lies good or bad? Do you engage in them? Do you sometimes feel it was the wrong decision? Do you fess up in those instances? Do you want to be told white lies? Do you lie to yourself sometimes? Can you share examples of when white lies brought people closer together? Can you share specific examples of when white lies created distance and disconnection in a relationship?

Topic from: Lavonne Burgard (thanks, Lavonne!)

Date: Monday, May 29th at 6:30pm 

Location: At Mitch's in Kalispell 

Zoom option: Emailed to group; if you didn't get the link, email Sabine.

Resources to spend time with before we meet to discuss:

Short overview article:

Short psychology article:

Scholarly article "The Dishonesty of Honest People":

These resources speak to related concepts that may be helpful to mull over too:

Hidden Brain podcast (50 mins):

Medium length article with a lot of historical quotes about lies, truth, lying:

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