Monday, March 1, 2021

Banter 62 - Lecture: Childhood Trauma, Affect Regulation and Borderline Personality Disorder

Saturday, March 27th at 1030 MDT. 

Note: The United States will be in Daylight Savings. For those in other countries, or areas that don't go to DST, please check for any time differences since the last banter.

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 867 5328 5990
Passcode: Banter62

One tap mobile

+14086380968,,86753285990#,,,,*73862035# US (San Jose)

The lecture we will watch is Bessel van der Kolk, MD, discussing Childhood Trauma, Affect Regulation and Borderline Personality Disorder’.

There is no material to submit or any prep work prio to this March banter. 

We will be watching the lecture component (without the Q&A) at 1.25 speed. That will take about 40 minutes. 

There is no need to watch the video in advance but, so you know, the topic contains some jargon and acronyms, the lecturer has a Dutch accent and we will be viewing it at a higher speed over conference audio. If, for these reasons, you feel like you would get more out of it by watching it earlier and, again, at the banter, feel free to pre-watch. 

See you in the Spring!


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